Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday morning

Today is a beautiful day here in St. George, Utah. I am setting out by the pond in our back yard. Dave has cleaned his pool and the hot tub/spa. Drained and filled the hot tub and I have cleaned all the leaves from around the pond, in the pond and around all the cement surfaces. It has been a few days since I put anything on my blog. So I will catch up.
We had a pretty good quilt show this past week here in St. George. It was put on my Utah Quilt Guild. There were things that could have been better, but over all it was a pretty good show. Everyone that worked on it worked very hard. The judges were great and dotted every i and crossed every t. I have heard talk that the people that won were in the judging room. So far as I am aware, there were never anyone that had entered a quilt in their name ever in the room when their quilt was judged. There were those that had quilts entered that were working to check the quilts in. That was the fiber arts group I am a part of. No one else came to help. If being in the room with the quilts made a big difference, the quilt Janey and I entered would have won something....lol! Those that won deserved the ribbons. Whom every is spreading this roomer needs to be careful of what they are saying.
Congratulations to Teryl Loy for her double ribbon. Her quilt was beautiful. Judie and Larry W's quilt won a first place. I was the lucky one that quilted it. Karen Andres and Cathie Purdy, both members of the fiber arts group I belong to, won ribbons! There were a couple more that I quilted that won ribbons as well... Margaret Miller's and Linda Sidlow. There were winners, I can't remember their names. ............Everyone that won ribbons deserved to win......!!!! Congratulations to you all!
I had a pleasent thing happen (thanks to Dayzee for pushing me....again). Chrystal day owner of  'It's Sew Moab' purchased 6 each of my 'The Perfect Bag' pattern and 'Cactus Wall hanging". We will see how they go.
I did  demo at the school house at the quilt show on my 'Glad to Mark it Board'. I had positive feedback. Teryl said she would have the patterns in the booth. I did not see them. I need to set up some kind of site to sell them myself I guess. I am just not very good at marketing. The board give you a flat surface to mark your quilts once they are on the long arm. Tools for the long arm can be extremely expensive.... this tool is not. You can purchase the pattern for under $10 and it is not hard to make. It requires fabric, a board, a big magnet and velcro........I need to find an outlet to sell the finished product too.
I have an idea for a quilt pattern, that I think could very well be a book. I have it drawn on paper, but need to get it put in my EQ7 program. I am not the sharpest tool when it comes to computers. It is going to take some major work on my part.
I have a couple of small customer things to do and should be working on them. But it is so lovely outside... I don't want to go in.................
Time to get busy though.......it's almost noon.

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