Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 2014

We had such hard winter this year that a lot of the plants froze. The oleander 'fence' that belongs to the neighbor behind us, froze and was cut off. I used some of the pieces of oleander to construct trellis.
 This trellis was not quite finished when I took this photo. I wanted the wisteria to have a place to grow. I think it will only get prettier over the years.

 ... a sand snake that was looking for it's dinner in the back yard.
 This quilt belongs to Deanna B.... She was really happy with it.
 My frist tomatoes of the season. We ate them tonight and they are really good. The hollyhocks are so pretty this year! The hummingbirds love them as well as a pair of yellow birds. The male is really really yellow with a black hood. The female is rather plain. The also drink the hummingbird's food. Dave fills up the feeder (32 oz) every couple of days!

I for bought  a small pond pump and installed it the end of April... It look me a while to get the pipe buried. I don't run it all the time because of the evaporation  and water loss to do leaks. I did not build the pond or waterfall, so I don't know what kind of underlayment they used.  The birds (and probably other animals) enjoy it as do us humans!

It has been a busy month for me..... I finished this 60 inch piece for Bev Nelson. It Liked how it turned out. This was only her 3rd quilt. 

Candice has moved to Moab for the summer. It is good for all of us. She and Season have planted a huge garden and it take her a lot of time to keep it watered. She is selling her pottery, some jewelry she has made as well as a few of my bags at the farmers market in Moab. It is held every Thursday evening.   She will be back when school starts in the fall. That is the plan anyway.
This week I put a refinishing coat on the wood floors. They look better, but the areas that are really badly scratched still feel very rough on my bare feet. I wish we could get them all replaced with something that will not scratch (but not carpet). That won't happen for a while.
I finished another big edge to edge quilt for a client and did not get a photo taken. I am currently working on an edge to edge for Wanda B. It is looking good. It should be finished tomorrow and then I can get then next one on the frame.  It is a custom job that will take me a while longer than the edge to edge quilts. It has been a long day and I am ready to go to bed. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4th

It is May already!!!!!! I don't know where the time has gone. I have been working on client quilts and doing some of my own work. I haven't taken photos lately. I need to post some of my current work.  The art group I belong to, Painted Hills Fiber Artists, has a web site..... well kind of. We are hoping to have it up and running by the end of this month. It has been in the process for a few months now.  I do need to learn how to take run a web site I guess. I have purchased my domain (Glad Rags Art),  but I really am not that great with the computer. Putting things on the blog is easy. Maybe working with a web site is not that hard either. I just have not been interested and was happy to let our young friend take care of it. She has a life that includes two little children. All of us in the group know how hard it is to make your time go around.  I have never slept that well and did a lot of my extra stuff at night after everyone was sleeping.  I still do a lot of stuff in the evening.  We do need to get it up and running though. So...... maybe it is time to learn something new.....maybe?
Candice, our oldest daughter, has been living with us while going to school. She is going to spend the summer in Moab helping my parents, planting a garden and selling her pottery at the farmers market (and enjoying her birth place).  It is very quite with out her and her dog Po. I frankly don't miss Po...I am sure Po is happy where she is. As long as she is with her mom.  Candice will be able to spend time with Season, her cousin, too.  Season works at the Blue Pig in Moab and her husband, Micah, has been promoted to floor manager of the restaurant. If you are down Moab way..... The Blue Pig is a wonderful place to eat. It is on the Southern end of town, across from the grocery store that used to be called Millers.
I will be posting photos of my progress on my art quilts and hopefully will have photos of the current client quilt I am working on by the end of the week.  Keep your fingers crossed.