I have not posted anything in a few days. I am in Moab and have been for a week. I am not sure when I I will be heading home. My mother passed away June 1, 2015. She had not been well for some time, but no one expected her death. Her funeral was good, if a funeral can be good. We are trying to get all the things done that have to be done. I will probably be here another week or so. I am glad I can help my father. I have connected with a few friends from high school and church here. I am missing my own life in St. George. I have one quilt I need to get done for a client and deliver one that is finished to a client who lives around Cedar City, Utah. I have been cleaning out closets....getting moms clothing and shoes ready to take to my aunt who lives on a farm close to Dove Creek, Colo. my mom's passing left a hole in our family.
My dad is doing pretty well for loosing the love of his life. He is 82 and so was she. They had been together since they were 19.
My mom taught me to sew and quilt as well as many other things. I learned how to work hard and make do with what I had. She was a good cook, although she cooked everything really done. She was pretty selfless, giving freely of her time.
Our friends here in Moab have been wonderful! I love st. George and am glad we moved there. But it does not hold a candle to Moab. I don't think there is any place as beautiful as Moab and Moab will always be home.
I will be spending way more time here than before. My dad needs 24 hour care. His lungs were very damaged when he worked in a uranium mill in Monticello, Utah. He has received money from the department of labor for being a down winder. But we would much rather have him have his health back over the money any day of the week!
I won't be doing as much client quilting until we get his care set in place. My youngest daughter is here from New York. She is going to be applying to a PA program and this requires 400 hours of clinical work or a CNA certification. She tried to get into a CNA program here in Moab, but was to late for this course. We are hoping she will be approved to be one of dad's care givers. That way she would receive the clinical hours she needs plus allow her to spend time with her grandpa Purcell.
I must get my dad ready for bed. Good night to you all.
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