I have been busy. I have finished 2 art quilts and am working on a 3rd. The quilting is almost done on it. I have the binding picked out and will hopefully have it sewn on tomorrow.
Flat Pass #2
Behind the Rocks # 2
These pieces are both done from water color paintings I have done a long time ago. My Aunt called and asked if I had an work that I though my cousin and his wife might like for Christmas. I had them look at some of my previous work and Dan chose 3 different scenes. One of which was Flat Pass. One was a watercolor of the La Sal Mtns in more of a winter scene and the third was a view from inside of Wilson Arch, located south of Moab. The Wilson Arch piece is the one I am working on now. I have not started one of the La Sal Mtns. yet, but I have an idea of what I am going to do. I plan on painting the basic fabric for that piece tomorrow.
I am keeping busy with client work too. I finished 2 quilts for Bev Nelson and one for Brenda Jones.
Brenda's Lone star
Megan and Patrick are engaged. Patrick purposed on New Year's Eve. We are happy about that, but don't know when they are planning on getting married.
My goal for this next year is to get photos of my pieces on a web site. It is possible I will be a visiting artist for a month in the Moab Gallery! I am very excited about that. I would be so great to sell a piece of my art work, either a quilt or one of my paintings. I also am going to do more painting this year. I plan on joining the Watercolor society here in ST. George. I belonged in Salt Lake City when we lived there, but just haven't had time to add one more thing here. So many things to do and so very little time!
That just about covers everything so until next posting..... Happy Quilting!