Kay Woodcock's quilt is finished and delivered. I was very pleased with the outcome and she was very happy.
I can't believe September is almost over! The months are going by to quickly. Christmas will be here before we know it. This weeks has been a very busy week. I finished quilting two client quilts. I am not posting photos of Lael's latest quilt. She might enter it for judging. I will wait to see what she decides. It was a Hopi Basket pattern. I loaded another big king that is a simple edge-to-edge. I have about 2 hours left on it. I will finish it up tomorrow. I am about 3 weeks out on my quilting with client work. I need to schedule myself into the quilting.... I must get something of my own finished! Clients come first though.
I started working on a new art quilt. This one is a piece depicting Delicate Arch. I am using a red foundation fabric like I did on my red bridge piece. I think it will work. I have done a drawing and have increased using the graft method. This piece will be 36" x 24".
Tomorrow and Monday I am going to do some major house cleaning. My dad's sister and brother will be here late Tuesday. We will head to Moab on Thursday and probably come back here on the following Sunday. They will be leaving on the 8th. I am looking forward to there visit.
I need to get the binding sewn on my store sample of my latest cactus pattern. The pattern is being sold in Moab at 'It's Sew Moab'. It will be also sold at Scrap Apple Quilts (I think... that is what the sample is for). The senior games will be held here in Oct... I hope to have the pattern in the local store here soon.
It has been nice and cool here in St. George... wonderful actually. I am setting here in my studio, with the window open and it is almost cold. It sure makes sleeping great.
Good night.